All videos are specific to cPTSD and how to manage our symptoms and day to day struggles

On this page you'll find the Facebook live replays for 2021 - most recent on top

Always happy to receive topic suggestions for future live sessions :) 

Here's the link to the page with the replays form the previous year (You can only fit 50 videos on a page. In the past I kept deleting the oldest... it only occurred to me now that I can just create a new page lol)

Note: all my Facebook groups have been closed, as I shifted to teachings on the spiritual journey

Sharing your trauma story

Intense emotions & helplessness

Getting Stuck

What routines are most effective?

Thriving versus Surviving

Missing sense of self

Triggered by People's behaviour

When things feel out of balance

When your cPTSD brain gets stuck

Dealing with intense emotions - complex PTSD

Is decision making something you avoid?

What's going on with me and my body?

Lack of Motivation and Inner Resistance

Confidence with cPTSD

Victim - suriving - thriving


Feeling stuck with cPTSD

What to look out for


Working on triggers


Progress and healing


Lack of Confidence


Anxiety with cPTSD




The healing journey


Decision making


Can we let our past go?


Questions about Therapy


Toxic Inner Critic


Dealing with triggers


Sense of agency versus helplessness


Toxic Shame


Friendships with cPTSD


Physical aches & pains with cPTSD

Click to get to Replays from 2020